What does "Aging Out" Mean?
Legally a person reaches the age for independence upon turning 18. This does not mean however that an individual is fully prepared to live independently without any help or assistance from their family. According to a recent study, the true age of independence in the United States is really 26 years of age (2007).In the State of Florida, a youth is able to leave the foster care system at 18 and is expected to assume full independence. Like most Americans, they are not ready for this step; yet unlike most 18 year aids, they do not have families and networks to fall back upon. As a result, former foster care youth experience considerable family instability, educational disruption, and suffer mental health problems at a much higher rate than teens in the general population. Statistics suggest a bleak future for many of the 800-1000 teens who age-out of Florida's foster care system each year, 75-90 in Palm Beach County alone. The cost to society for the negative outcomes among this highly vulnerable population is incalculable.
Without intervention and support:
Without intervention and support:
- Less than 50 percent of Florida's Foster Children Graduate from High School
- 30 percent are more likely to be Substance Abusers
- 50 percent are more likely to have a History of Domestic Violence
- Up to 85 percent of kids in foster care have Mental Health problems
- 25 percent Experience Homelessness within One Year
- 75 percent Experience Unemployment
- 40 percent Become Parents within 2 years
- 25 percent of Males and 10 percent of Females are Incarcerated within 18 months
- Only 1 in 6 are Completely Self-Supporting
How YOU can help:
Become a Job Coach - Would you like to spend time and pass on a useful skills to our young adults? There are ample opportunities to make a difference in the lives of one of our youth.
Hire Our Youth - Our "kids" want to work! and are eager for the opportunity to show you they can be successful. Some have skills and just need a job and a chance; others need an internship where they can learn the ropes. Learn how you can provide an opportunity for a youth.
Fairy Grandmother Program - There are times in life when the right phone call is the difference between giving up and perseverance. The Fairy Grandmothers Initiative is an example of how volunteers can have a big impact in the life of a child with just a single phone call.
Learn more: www.VitaNovaInc.org
Hire Our Youth - Our "kids" want to work! and are eager for the opportunity to show you they can be successful. Some have skills and just need a job and a chance; others need an internship where they can learn the ropes. Learn how you can provide an opportunity for a youth.
Fairy Grandmother Program - There are times in life when the right phone call is the difference between giving up and perseverance. The Fairy Grandmothers Initiative is an example of how volunteers can have a big impact in the life of a child with just a single phone call.
Learn more: www.VitaNovaInc.org